Reed Creek Greenway Phase III in Asheville, North Carolina


The Reed Creek Greenway parallels Broadway Street and provides a key route for non-motorized access between North Asheville, the Campus of UNC Asheville, and downtown Asheville. 

As subcontractor to an engineering firm, Cole Surveying & Design provided the required topographical survey services for this greenway project which connected the Glenn Creek Greenway across Broadway Street to the Reed Creek Greenway.   Our survey of approximately 1,200 linear feet was used as the base for the design and construction for this extension of the Reed Creek Greenway crossing the property of The University of North Carolina at Asheville Foundation, Inc.

The surveying scope of services included topography on a 2-foot contour interval, location of apparent underground and overhead utilities and associated easements, trees, Reed Creek, surveying of property boundaries, existing streets and roads, etc.  The survey was tied to NC Grid NAD 83 and NAVD 88 datums via GPS.

This project provided universal accessibility along the length of the greenway and detention and treatment of stormwater runoff using constructed wetlands.